There’s a lot that goes into planning a funeral, but making those arrangements beforehand gives you time to consider all of your options and make sure that you’re covering all of the necessary details. Still feeling unsure? Here are some of the most important reasons why planning ahead may be the best option.

It's Easy
You can take your time creating arrangements that best suit your needs and preferences, and all you have to do is fill out a form or meet with a member of our staff to put your plan in place. Anyone can create a plan, at any stage in their life, and you can make changes at a later date if you wish.
When you prearrange your cremation services, the funeral director at Mid Maine Cremation Services, LLC records your wishes to be carried out at the time of death. These instructions are kept on file at the funeral home until they are needed.
You Decide
Preplanning lets you create your own unique life celebration. Including your family in the planning process can help them feel coCreating your own unique life celebration allows you to make sure that your wishes and desires are respected upon your passing. However you decide to be memorialized, pre-planning and preparation gives you control over the personal decisions that must be made when a person moves on from this life. Planning can be meaningful for your family, as well, if you choose to include them in the process. It can help them to feel connected to you both in life and in death, knowing that your arrangements reflect exactly what you envisioned them to be.
Relieve Your Family’s Burden
When a loved one passes, the family faces an overwhelming number of tasks and decisions, all while struggling through grief and a range of difficult emotions. By taking care of your arrangements before the time of need, you’re relieving them of that burden and giving them more time and energy to focus on healing and remembrance. They won’t have to ask themselves, “Am I making the right choices?” and can instead focus on what matters: saying goodbye and celebrating your life journey with those who cared about you most.
Ability to Pre-Pay
While pre-funding your funeral is certainly not required in order to pre-plan, pre-payment allows you to pay for tomorrow's services in today's dollars. It also provides peace of mind in knowing that financial obligations will not be placed upon your estate or your next-of-kin. In addition, all pre-paid funeral funds are protected and placed in a trust protected by FDIC.
Payment Options:
Depositing the full sum of money at once with guaranteed service
All funds pre-paid directly to the funeral home are deposited in a trust account with a financial institution in Main in accordance with the Prearranged Funerals Act, which guarantees your contribution for as long as you live. Interest earned in the trust account stays with the principal amount in trust to offset inflation and fully fund the cost of the services.Installment payments ($200.00 minimum per deposit until final deposit) as credit for service
All funds pre-paid directly to the funeral home are deposited in a trust account with a financial institution in Main in accordance with the Prearranged Funerals Act. At the time of death, all funds plus interest will be applied towards the cost of services at that time.What If I Move?
Once you create your pre-plan with us, we store it in our files as a record of your final wishes and decisions. Your plan is easily transferable to any funeral home in the United States, so it can be used wherever you might choose to relocate. No matter where you live at the time of your passing, or which funeral home’s services you decide to use, we’ll make sure that your plan follows you there.
Where Do I Start?
The first step is to review our Preplanning Checklist to help you consider all of your possibilities and gather all of the information you’ll need. Then, you can use our Pre-Planning Form to begin creating your personalized arrangements. You can also contact us to schedule a time to meet with a member of our staff to discuss your options and design your plan in person.